Aarhus Universitets segl

INNOVATION (cand.soc.)


Fakta om uddannelsen 
Undervisningssprog: Engelsk  (Se sprogkrav)  | Studiested: Aarhus og Louvain  |  Studiestart: August / september


The cand.soc. in Business Innovation is a unique international double degree programme that is offered jointly by Aarhus BSS and UCLouvain in Belgium. It prepares you for an international career in innovation and technology, in leadership roles or consulting activities related to managing of innovation and technology. You will spend two semesters in Aarhus and two semesters in Belgium. After completing the required credits of each university, you will obtain two separate degrees, one from each university.

The management of technological innovation is essential for the survival of companies. Innovation, through new and improved technology, as well as products and services, supports both the development of new markets and strengthens the position in existing markets. The importance of managerial decisions related to innovation is magnified, as many new products and businesses fail due to the fierce and dynamic competitive environment.

This line is for students who wish to develop their competences in the management of innovation and technology, who wish to develop skills in managing complex and innovative projects, who are motivated by a desire to learn how to work effectively in teams and who possess an entrepreneurial drive.

Double degree - AU and UCLouvain

The double degree enables you to experience innovation from a truly international perspective by spending two semesters at AU and two semesters at UCLouvain.

You will see how two accredited universities approach innovation as a subject and become part of a vibrant campus full of international students.

During your studies, you will gain insight into the international context for innovation by expanding your academic horizon and learning about innovation in companies as well as the surrounding ecosystem that defines innovation in the two European countries.

Read more about UCLouvain


The Business Innovation programme will provide students with competences and skills to take up managerial positions in manufacturing companies and consulting firms, as well as start-ups:

  • planning and implementation of strategies for innovation and technology
  • creation and advancement of innovative projects and processes
  • development of new business opportunities


I denne sektion kan du finde ud af, hvad der skal til for at komme ind på kandidatuddannelsen i Erhvervsøkonomi - Business Innovation (cand.soc.).

De næste afsnit forklarer, hvordan du kan opfylde adgangskravene, afhængigt af om du har:

  1. Retskra​v
  2. En bacheloruddannelse, der giver direkte adgang
  3. En anden uddannelse, der kan give adgang

Du kan også finde ud af, om der er begrænsninger for, hvor mange der kan optages på uddannelsen, og hvilke sprogkrav der gælder.

1. Retskrav

Følgende bacheloruddannelse giver dig retskrav på optagelse på kandidatuddannelsen i Erhvervsøkonomi - Business Innovation (cand.soc.):

  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Erhvervsøkonomi med tilvalg (fra Aarhus Universitet)

Retskrav betyder, at du har ret til at blive optaget på den kandidatuddannelse, der bygger oven på den bacheloruddannelse, som du har gennemført ved samme universitet. Det kræver dog, at du søger om optagelse senest tre år efter gennemført bacheloruddannelse. 

Læs mere om retskrav

2. Bacheloruddannelser der giver direkte adgang

Hvis du har en af de følgende bacheloruddannelser, opfylder du adgangskravene til uddannelsen: 

  • Erhvervsøkonomi, HA (generel erhvervsøkonomi) fra studieordning 2017 og frem, fra Aarhus Universitet* 

  • Erhvervsøkonomi, HA (generel erhvervsøkonomi) fra enten Copenhagen Business School, Syddansk Universitet, Aalborg Universitet eller Roskilde Universitet* 

  • Erhvervsøkonomi med tilvalg fra Aarhus Universitet, der ikke længere har retskrav til kandidatuddannelsen 

*Bemærk, hvis din HA eller BSc i Economics and Business Administration fra Aarhus Universitet eller en anden dansk uddannelsesinstitution er færdiggjort før år 2000, vil det i forbindelse med behandlingen af din ansøgning blive vurderet, om den lever op til adgangskravene beskrevet under afsnittet ”Adgang med anden uddannelse”. 

3. Andre uddannelser der kan give adgang

Udover de bacheloruddannelser, som allerede er vurderet til at give adgang til denne uddannelse, kan der også være andre uddannelser, der opfylder adgangskravene afhængigt af fagsammensætningen og vægtningen af dine kurser. 

I en individuel, faglig vurdering vil der blive lagt vægt på, at din bacheloruddannelse har et tilstrækkeligt indhold af erhvervsøkonomiske fag svarende i niveau, omfang og indhold til bacheloruddannelsen i Erhvervsøkonomi med tilvalg fra Aarhus Universitet. Følgende fagområder skal derfor være dækket i det angivne ECTS-omfang: 


Fagområde ECTS 

Metode, inkl. statistik og IT* 15 ECTS 

Marketing 7,5 ECTS 

Finansiering 7,5 ECTS 

Regnskab 7,5 ECTS 

Ledelses- og organisationsteori 7,5 ECTS 

Mikro- og makroøkonomi (begge områder skal være dækket) 10 ECTS 

Ekstra ECTS inden for ovennævnte fagområder 25 ECTS 

I alt inden for Erhvervsøkonomi 80 ECTS 


* Bemærk, metode kan dække over f.eks. kvalitativ og kvantitativ metode samt videnskabsteori. IT og statistik skal dækkes eksplicit. 

Ansøgere til den to-faglige linje på cand.soc. skal derudover have bestået et gymnasierettet bachelortilvalg (45 ECTS). 

Vi kan ikke på forhånd vurdere, om netop din uddannelse vil opfylde ovenstående krav. Vi vil derfor anbefale dig at søge ind på uddannelsen, hvis du selv vurderer, at du opfylder fagkravene. Det er i den forbindelse en god ide at sammenligne din uddannelse med de direkte adgangsgivende uddannelser. 

Læs mere om hvilken dokumentation du skal uploade til din ansøgning.


Der er adgangsbegrænsning på denne kandidatuddannelse.

Adgangsbegrænsning vil sige, at der er et begrænset antal studiepladser på uddannelsen. Der vil således blive prioriteret blandt de kvalificerede ansøgere ud fra nogle faste udvælgelseskriterier (se nedenfor).

Dette betyder, at det ikke i sig selv er en garanti for optagelse at have opfyldt adgangskravene. Hvis du har retskrav, er du dog garanteret en plads på uddannelsen. 


Udvælgelsen blandt kvalificerede ansøgere vil foregå på baggrund af interviews, såfremt der er flere kvalificerede ansøgere end antal pladser. Du skal derfor uploade et CV til din online ansøgning med fokus på relevante tidligere erfaringer. Retskravsansøgere skal også uploade CV i tilfælde af, at det bliver nødvendigt at prioritere blandt retskravsansøgere.

Under interviewsene vil ansøgere blive bedt om at forklare, hvordan deres tidligere studieforløb samt andre relevante erfaringer gør dem kvalificeret til optagelse.


Du skal kunne dokumentere, at du har engelskkvalifikationer svarende til dansk gymnasialt B-niveau. Hvis du har retskrav på optagelse (se ovenfor), er du ikke omfattet af denne regel.

Læs hvordan dit engelsk-niveau skal dokumenteres, hvis du ikke har en dansk gymnasial uddannelse.

Uddannelsens opbygning


I studieordningen kan du finde yderligere oplysninger om, hvad de enkelte fag indeholder. Du kan også se studiets opbygning, og hvilke krav, der bliver stillet til dig som studerende – herunder eksamensformer og eksamenskrav.


Uddannelsen er godkendt med engelsk som udbudssprog. Udbudssproget er det sprog, der som udgangspunkt undervises i på uddannelsen.


Beskrivelse af fag

1st semester: 

Innovation Challenge: Hands-on Project (10 ECTS) AU BSS
Course responsible: Helle Alsted Søndergaard

The course is designed to give students hands-on experience in working with the innovation process, using the principles of Design Thinking. Student groups will work on real life challenges formulated my companies and experience the ups and downs of the innovation process, enabling them to reflect on the challenges and opportunities of innovation work.

Classic Readings in Innovation and Entrepreneurhsip (5 ECTS) AU BSS
Course responsible: Lars Frederiksen

In this course students learn to read, understand and relate classic readings in innovation and entrepreneurship research. With this knowledge the students create the ability to position, critically assess and not least choose relevant literature in this field when applied in their own argumentation and writing.

Appropriating Innovation, Managing Intellectual Property (5 ECTS) AU BSS
Course responsible: A-Sung Hong

This course is designed to expose students to the foundational concepts and discussions surrounding innovation appropriation. The course will offer an introduction to a range of topics concerning how firms can make profits from technological innovation and manage intellectual property.

Research Methods (10 ECTS) AU BSS
Course responsible: Birthe Asmuss and Irene Pollach

The course provides students with knowledge of the designs, data collection, and data analysis techniques commonly used and applicable in management research. The course will equip participants with the advanced methodological knowledge, understanding and skills required for successful completion of the programme.

2nd semester:

Knowledge Management (5 ECTS) UCLouvain

Course responsible: Manuel Kolp and Julie Hermans

The aim of this course is to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to the various facets, emerging issues and perspectives in Knowledge Management. Knowledge management is about organizing the development and use of knowledge in such a way that it directly contributes to the competitive edge of a company.

Innovation Policy and Ecosystems (5 ECTS) UCLouvain
Course responsible: Gailly Benoit

The objective of this class is to introduce the main concepts, models and issues of creating innovation-friendly organizations and environments, from the policy and ecosystem point of views.We address in particular some key implications of innovation management regarding innovative people, teams, organizations, networks and ecosystems.

Economics of Innovation (5 ECTS) UCLouvain
Course responsible: Paul Belleflamme

The course aims at analyzing the mechanisms and institutions governing the production, use and diffusion of information and knowledge. It also aims at developing a rigorous economic analysis of a large set of issues surrounding intellectual property, R&D and innovation.

Resource and Energy Management (5 ECTS) UCLouvain
Course responsible: TBD

The course focuses on understanding the business and policy logic for making the environment, sustainability, and natural resources core elements of the strategy and management of organizations. It studies the processes and tools that can be used to link environmental, sustainability, and natural resource concerns with strategies, development of products and services, and operations management.

Social and sustainable Entrepreneurship (5 ECTS) UCLouvain
Course responsible: Julie Hermans

This course uncovers the popular concepts of social and sustainable entrepreneurship. It applies entrepreneurial thinking to different business models as seen through a social, environmental and economic sustainability perspective. The course will explore the relationship between business development and its social and environmental impacts.

Managing Complexity (5 ECTS) UCLouvain
We live in a complex environment, where the interconnections among economic agents (firms, consumers, ect.), their choices/decisions under uncertainty and as a response to unforeseen events determine the successfulness of firms’ activities. In this course, students will learn basic tools that companies can use to identify, report and analyze the risks/opportunities that a complex environment can bring to firms’ activities.

3rd semester:

Innovation Management I+II (10 ECTS) UCLouvain
Course responsible: Gailly Benoit

The objective of this class is to introduce the main conceptual frameworks, analytical tools and issues related to the management of innovation and its implications, in particular regarding new ventures. We also address some key implications of innovation management regarding opportunity identification, assessment and implementation.

Digital business Systems (5 ECTS) UCLouvain
Course responsible: TBD

The objective of this course is to provide students with a broad and solid grasp of the challenges and opportunities raised by datafication (the transformation of social action into data) and digitization (the conversion of information into a digital format).

Corporate Social Responsibility (5 ECTS) UCLouvain
Course responsible: Ina Aust-Gronarz, Carlos Desmet, Valérie Swaen

The course aims at providing tools enabling the students to elicit critical thinking on ethical, social and environmental issues raised by contemporary organizations. The specificity of the firms' impact on economic life will be addressed by analyzing the principles and practices covered by the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

Technological and Quantitative Project (incl. Project Management) (10 ECTS) UCLoivain
Course responsible: Olivier de Broqueville, Paul Fisette, Tatiana Hendrix, Manuel Kolp, Benoît Macq, Bernard Nysten, Bernard Paque, Pierre Semal, Mathieu Van Vyve

The goal of the project is to conduct a clear and structured analytical reasoning by applying, and eventually adapting, scientifically based conceptual frameworks and models, to define and analyze a problem. Furthermore, to initiate, develop and implement ideas around a new product or service, having evaluated the risks. To learn and apply the basics of team and project management. And to express, both orally and in writing, a clear and structured message adapted to the audience.


En typisk uge på Erhvervsøkonomi

Inden starten af semestret skal du tilmelde dig til de fag, som du planlægger at følge i det kommende semester. Et fag har typisk 2-4 ugentlige forelæsninger, og du kan allerede ved tilmeldingen se, hvornår timerne ligger hen over ugen, og du kan også se, hvornår eksamen afvikles. Derfor har du god mulighed for at indrette din arbejdsuge, således andre forpligtigelser ikke forhindrer dig i at følge timerne. Du skal være forberedt på, at studiet er et fuldtidsstudium, og at timerne kan ligge i tidsrummet 8-18.

Udover at forelæsningerne skaber læring, så sker en stor del af læringen ved, at du selv arbejder med stoffet, og selv om forelæsningerne i høj grad styrer de emner, som du skal studere, så anbefaler vi kraftigt, at du finder en eller flere medstuderende at arbejde sammen med – al erfaring siger, at det er en god læringsform, og så sikrer det dig også et socialt netværk.

Bliv en del af et aktivt studiemiljø

Du får din daglige gang på Fuglesangs Allé 4, hvor undervisningslokalerne og undervisere hører hjemme på de to institutter, Institut for Virksomhedsledelse og Institut for Økonomi. Du kan også finde studiepladser på campus, og du deler undervisningslokaler, auditorier og kantine med studerende fra andre økonomiske uddannelser, så der er rigtig gode muligheder for at deltage i et aktivt studie- og socialt liv. Både faglige og sociale aktiviteter prioriteres højt, og studenterforeningerne arrangerer studieture, fester og virksomhedsbesøg. På campus vil du også kunne møde ”SAF – Soc’ernes Aktivitetsforening”, som stabler diverse sociale og faglige arrangementer på benene.

Forskningsbaseret undervisning

Forskning og undervisning er tæt forbundet på de tre institutter, og der lægges vægt på, at undervisningen er forskningsbaseret. Institutterne har også en del fastansatte medarbejdere med international baggrund. Du vil derfor helt naturligt også blive trænet i at arbejde på tværs af kulturer.

UCLouvain, Louvain School of Management (LSM)

Halvdelen af studiet læses på Louvain School of Management (LSM). Læs mere om Louvain School of Management (LSM)

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Billederne er brugernes egne, delt med #Yourniversity, #AarhusUni og fagspecifikke AU-hashtags.


The Business Innovation programme will provide students with competences and skills to take up managerial positions in manufacturing companies and consulting firms, as well as start-ups:

  • planning and implementation of strategies for innovation and technology
  • creation and advancement of innovative projects and processes
  • development of new business opportunities

In large companies, candidates will be champions for innovation and technology by bridging the gap between R&D, production and sales activities supporting and shaping the innovation culture of companies.

In small- and medium-sized companies, candidates will act as entrepreneurs combining technological know-how with profound business understanding.

The entrepreneurial ability to transform opportunities into economic reality, the ability to organize activities and combine resources for the continuity of innovative activities, are central skills of future managers.