Aarhus Universitets segl



Fakta om uddannelsen 
Undervisningssprog | Studiested: Aarhus  |  Studiestart: August / september (ingen vinterstart)


The MSc programme in Digital Business Management addresses the increasing demand for business professionals who are able to apply digital technologies and data-driven methods to create new business opportunities and who understand the effects of digital technologies on management, organisation and work in corporations. The Digital Business Management track qualifies you to contribute to the acceleration of the digital development and to bring new digital skills into companies that are born digital or are on the threshold to a digital transformation.

Deep understanding of the Digital Business

Digital technologies have become a driving force behind business transformation for companies of all sizes across all industries and sectors. Digital transformation involves the development of structures and processes that allow companies not only to leverage data and algorithms to improve efficiency but also to facilitate interactions with customers, suppliers and other stakeholders, and to create new business models, products and services. Consequently, it is imperative for companies to address digitalisation as a company-wide change process that blurs the line between business and technology. This implies a fundamental change in the management and organisation of companies, creating new demands for innovative employees with digital skills, who are qualified to work at the intersection between business and technology within various areas of the business.

Comprehesive Skill Development and Practical Application

The MSc programme in Digital Business Management addresses the increasing demand for business professionals with digital competencies that cover both technical skills (e.g. programming) and non-technical skills (digital business understanding and the ability to drive digital innovation). The programme builds on business administration, digital technology, and data science as well as organisational and management perspectives. It provides you with a deep understanding of theories and strategies within the field of  digital business, along with hands-on experience with advanced methods and tools used at the intersection between business and technology. You will work on real-life digital business projects that address emerging trends such as artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and big data, gaining the practical skills needed to lead digital transformation.

Industry Collaboration and Networking

The MSc programme in Digital Business Management has been developed in collaboration with representatives from the business community to ensure that it meets the future needs of the job market. This close collaboration ensures the programme’s continuing relevance and enables a productive dialogue between you as a student and the business community. The teaching activities include hands-on work with real cases, guest lectures from industry leaders, and an optional internship with a company (in Denmark or abroad) during the third semester of the programme. You will also have the chance to build a network of contacts within the industry, providing a valuable resource as you begin your career,

Career Opportunities 

The MSc degree in Digital Business Management prepares you to lead and manage the digital transformation of companies of all sizes and to create new. business opportunities using digital technologies and data-driven methods. With a curriculum incorporating global case studies and digtal trends across international markets, you will also gain an expansive understanding of digital practies worldwide.

Positions include:

  • Digital Business Developer
  • Digital Transformation Specialist
  • Product Owner
  • Data Scientist
  • Consultant

Meet potential employers here.

MSc in Digital Business Management Watch the video and learn how Frederik and Anne Sofie from Salling Group put their digital business understanding into play in their current jobs.


I denne sektion kan du finde ud af, hvad der skal til for at komme ind på kandidatuddannelsen i Digital Business Management (cand.merc.).

De næste afsnit forklarer, hvordan du kan opfylde adgangskravene, afhængigt af om du har:

  1. Retskra​v
  2. En bacheloruddannelse, der giver direkte adgang
  3. En anden uddannelse, der kan give adgang

Du kan også finde ud af, om der er begrænsninger for, hvor mange der kan optages på uddannelsen, og hvilke sprogkrav der gælder.

1. Retskrav

Følgende bacheloruddannelse giver dig retskrav på optagelse på kandidatuddannelsen i Digital Business Management (cand.merc.):

  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Erhvervsøkonomi, HA fra Aarhus Universitet
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Economics and Business Administration, BSc fra Aarhus Universitet

Retskrav betyder, at du har ret til at blive optaget på den kandidatuddannelse, der bygger oven på den bacheloruddannelse, som du har gennemført ved samme universitet. Det kræver dog, at du søger om optagelse senest tre år efter gennemført bacheloruddannelse.

Læs mere om retskrav

2. Bacheloruddannelser der giver direkte adgang

Hvis du har en af de følgende bacheloruddannelser, opfylder du adgangskravene til uddannelsen:

  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Erhvervsøkonomi, HA, fra Aarhus Universitet* 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Economics and Business Administration, BSc fra Aarhus Universitet*
  • Bacheloruddannelse i Erhvervsøkonomi med tilvalg, studieordning 2017 og frem, fra Aarhus Universitet
  • Bacheloruddannelse i Erhvervsøkonomi, HA (generel erhvervsøkonomi) fra enten Copenhagen Business School, Syddansk Universitet, Aalborg Universitet eller Roskilde Universitet* 

*Bemærk, hvis din HA eller BSc i Economics and Business Administration fra Aarhus Universitet eller en anden dansk uddannelsesinstitution er færdiggjort før år 2010, vil det i forbindelse med behandlingen af din ansøgning blive vurderet, om den lever op til adgangskravene beskrevet under afsnittet ”Andre uddannelser der kan give adgang”.

3. Andre uddannelser der kan give adgang

Udover de bacheloruddannelser, som allerede er vurderet til at give adgang til denne uddannelse, kan der også være andre uddannelser, der opfylder adgangskravene afhængigt af fagsammensætningen og vægtningen af dine kurser.

Du kan få adgang til kandidatuddannelsen, såfremt universitetet vurderer, at din uddannelse har et niveau, omfang og indhold, som svarer til de faglige krav, der angives herunder.

Du kan opfylde adgangskravet med en anden uddannelse, hvis du har følgende fagområder: ECTS-krav


hvoraf følgende fagområder er dækket:  

  • 10 ECTS inden for kvantitativ metode eller statistik   

  • Der kan maksimalt medtages 5 ECTS inden for matematik  

Marketing  7,5
Finansiering  7,5
Regnskab  7,5
Ledelses- og Organisationsteori  7,5
Mikroøkonomi  5
Operations Management   5
Ekstra ECTS inden for ovennævnte erhvervsøkonomiske fagområder  25
Bachelorprojekt  10
I alt 90
Hvis du har en bacheloruddannelse i erhvervsøkonomi-erhvervsret (HA(jur.)) fra Aarhus Universitet med studiestart september 2014 eller senere, skal du sammenlagt have bestået 10 ECTS inden for nedenstående erhvervsøkonomiske fag: 
  • Supply Chain Management and Sustainability - 5 ECTS 

  • Investments and Corporate Finance - 10 ECTS 

  • Investments - 5 ECTS  

  • Corporate Finance - 5 ECTS 

  • Introduction to Empirical Economics – 10 ECTS 

  • Regnskabsanalyse og værdiansættelse - 10 ECTS 

  • Privatøkonomi - 5 ECTS 

  • Behavioural Finance – 5 ECTS 

  • Entrepreneurship and Business Planning – 10 ECTS 

  • Behavioural Economics – 10 ECTS 

  • The Economics of Strategic Decision Making 5 ECTS 

  • Decision Analysis – 5 ECTS 

  • Financial Statement Analysis – 5 ECTS 

Hvis du har en Professionsbachelor i finans fra Erhvervsakademi Aarhus, skal du have én af følgende kombinationer for at opfylde adgangskravene:

Revision og Økonomistyring (”Studieretning A: Økonomistyring eksternt regnskab” og ”Studieretning B: Strategisk økonomistyring”) 

med følgende valgfag:  

  • Kvantitativ metode: 10 ECTS 

  • Finansielle investeringsstrategier: 5 ECTS 

  • Operations Management: 5 ECTS 


Finansielle forretninger (”Studieretning A: Finansielle forretninger” og ”Studieretning B: Finansielle forretninger”)

med følgende valgfag  

  • Kvantitativ metode: 10 ECTS 

  • Finansielle investeringsstrategier: 5 ECTS 

  • Operations Management: 5 ECTS 

Hvis du har en uddannelse som Markedsføringsøkonom i kombination med en Professionsbachelor i international handel og markedsføring fra Erhvervsakademi Aarhus, skal du have bestået følgende valgfag:   ECTS-krav

BSS meritmodul (indeholdende Metode 5 ECTS, Finansiering 5 ECTS og Operations Management 5 ECTS) 


For ansøgere med en af de ovennævnte professionsbacheloruddannelser fra et andet erhvervsakademi vil det blive vurderet, om valgfagene svarer til ovenstående valgfag.  

Ansøgere med en anden professionsbacheloruddannelse vil blive vurderet ud fra adgangskravene beskrevet i afsnittet ”Andre uddannelser der kan give adgang”. 

Vi kan ikke på forhånd vurdere, om netop din uddannelse vil opfylde ovenstående krav. Vi vil derfor anbefale dig at søge ind på uddannelsen, hvis du selv vurderer, at du opfylder fagkravene. Det er i den forbindelse en god ide at sammenligne din uddannelse med de direkte adgangsgivende uddannelser.

Download bilag til din ansøgning

Du skal udfylde dette bilag og vedhæfte til din ansøgning. Bilaget bruges i vurderingen af din ansøgning. Hvis du har retskrav til kandidatuddannelsen, skal du ikke udfylde og vedhæfte bilaget.
Download bilag


Der er adgangsbegrænsning på denne kandidatuddannelse.

Adgangsbegrænsning vil sige, at der er et begrænset antal studiepladser på uddannelsen. Der vil således blive prioriteret blandt de kvalificerede ansøgere ud fra nogle faste udvælgelseskriterier (se nedenfor).

Dette betyder, at det ikke i sig selv er en garanti for optagelse at have opfyldt adgangskravene. Hvis du har retskrav, er du dog garanteret en plads på uddannelsen. 


Hvis der er flere kvalificerede ansøgere end ledige studiepladser, lægges der vægt på følgende kriterier ved udvælgelsen (hvert kriterie vægter 1/3):  

  1. Karakterniveau fra adgangsgivende uddannelse   

  2. Opnåede karakterer i relevante fagområder:

    • Ledelses- og organisationsteori 

    • Metode 

Vær opmærksom på, at karakterer opnået efter ansøgningsfristen ikke er inkluderet i karakterniveauet.  

  1. Relevante fagområder (målt i ECTS). I denne vurdering indgår ikke ECTS, som er en del af adgangskravene beskrevet under ’Andre uddannelser der kan give adgang’.

    • Ledelses- og organisationsteori 

    • Metode 


Du skal kunne dokumentere, at du har engelskkvalifikationer svarende til dansk gymnasialt B-niveau. Hvis du har retskrav på optagelse (se ovenfor), er du ikke omfattet af denne regel.

Læs hvordan dit engelsk-niveau skal dokumenteres, hvis du ikke har en dansk gymnasial uddannelse.

Uddannelsens opbygning


I studieordningen kan du finde yderligere oplysninger om, hvad de enkelte fag indeholder. Du kan også se studiets opbygning, og hvilke krav, der bliver stillet til dig som studerende – herunder eksamensformer og eksamenskrav.


Uddannelsen er godkendt med engelsk som udbudssprog. Udbudssproget er det sprog, der som udgangspunkt undervises i på uddannelsen.

I studiediagrammet nedenfor kan du se de forskellige fag. Du kan finde en beskrivelse af fagene i studiediagrammet.

Uddannelsen består af 4 semestre. På de første to semestre har du alle obligatoriske fag, mens du på de sidste to semestre har mulighed for selv at specialisere dig i en ønsket retning.

første semester følger du forudsætningsfag, der danner et metodisk og akademisk grundlag for de følgende semestre.

andet semester følger du specialiseringsfag.  

På tredje semester kan du vælge valgfag inden for dit interesseområde. Fagene kan tages enten på Aarhus BSS i løbet af semesteret, på AU Summer University eller på et af vores mere end 300 partneruniversiteter i udlandet. Du kan også deltage i et projektorienteret forløb i en virksomhed i Danmark eller i udlandet.  

Fjerde semester er dedikeret til speciale. Du kan frit vælge specialeemne, og på den måde får du chancen for at koncentrere dig om og specialisere dig inden for et specifikt interesseområde.

Beskrivelse af fag

The MSc programme in Digital Business Management offers an in-depth exploration of digitalisation through three key perspectives: business, technology, and data. This tripartite approach defines thethe programme’s structure and progression.

  • Business perspective: This perspective focuses on the strategic importance of embracing digital transformation to generate value within the digital economy. In the  first semester, you will study  Value Creation in the Digital Economy and gain insight into the critical role of digital transformation. In the second semester, the Organising for Digital course examines how organisations can develop structures and processes to effectively leverage new digital opportunities.
  • Technological perspective: This perspective equips  you  with  a digital mindset that enables you to understand  the technical foundations of digitalisation and the business potential of emerging technologies . In the first semester, the Digital Fundamentals for Emerging Technologies course introduces you to key technological concepts and provides hands-on programming experience. The Enterprise Architecture Management course in the second semester explores the intersection of technolgy and business
  • Data perspective: This perspective provides you with a comprehensive understanding of advanced methods. In the first semester,  Research Methods for Digital Business introduces quantitative and qualitative methods, while  Data Science for Business  in the second semester teaches you to apply  data-driven methods in decision-making processes and problem-solving in business contexts.

Contact Christiane Marie Høvring if you have questions about the Digital Business Management track or the individual courses: cmoh@mgmt.au.dk



Som studerende er du ansvarlig for din egen indlæring og uddannelse. Undervisningsåret er delt ind i to semestre. Første semester starter i uge 36 (ca. 1. september) til ca. midt december med eksamensperiode fra ca. midt december til 31. januar. Anden semester løber fra ca. 1. februar til midt i maj, hvor der eksamensperiode indtil 30. juni. 
Bemærk, at dette er udgangspunktet, og der kan forekomme variationer.

Vores undervisning og undervisningsformer gør vores studerende og vores dimittender attraktive for erhvervslivet.


Ved at løse opgaver i grupper, som typisk består af tre til fire studerende, lærer du at arbejde sammen med dine medstuderende omkring en given opgave.

Læsegrupper har også en funktion uden for eksamensperioderne. Her har du mulighed for sammen med gruppen at diskutere faglige problemer og gennemgå materialet til næste undervisningsgang.

Læsegrupper får på den måde både en social og en faglig funktion.

Forelæsninger og holdtimer

Til forelæsninger i et auditorium kan der være plads til op mod 300 studerende. Den anden halvdel foregår som holdtimer eller øvelsestimer, ligesom du kender det fra gymnasiet eller handelsskolen. Her er der mulighed for at stille spørgsmål, gennemgå øvelser og diskutere stoffet.

Følg studielivet på Aarhus Universitet

- oplevet, fotograferet og filmet af de studerende selv.

Med tusindvis af billeder giver #yourniversity dig et indblik i hverdagen som studerende på AU, i festerne, overspringshandlingerne, eksamen og alt det andet, du kommer til at bruge din studietid på.

Billederne er brugernes egne, delt med #Yourniversity, #AarhusUni og fagspecifikke AU-hashtags.


The MSc degree in Digital Business Management prepares you to lead and manage the digital transformation of companies of all sizes and to create business opportunities using digital technologies and data-driven methods. After completing this programme, you will be able to:

  • understand and analyse how to manage the complex and challenging strategic, business, and organisational processes taking place in the intersection between business and digital technology within various areas of the business
  • master the processes of of assessing, selecting, analysing and implementing the digital technologies and IT systems needed to support digitalisation and create business value
  • design and structure a digital enterprise, its components, its integrations, and its business models. 
  • understand and appropriately choose and apply data science methods to to solve business problems as well as understand the possibilities and limitations of data science and business analytics

Positions include:

  • Digital Business Developer
  • Digital Transformation Specialist
  • Product Owner
  • Data Scientist
  • Consultant

Mød potentielle arbejdsgivere

Emil Skjold Andersen

Partner, Barma

1) What makes the MSc in Digital Business Management unique from your perspective?
The degree programme is unique because it has strong focus on the commercial aspects of digitalisation. Many businesses focus extensively on digitalisation but often forget to analyse the external business opportunities provided by digitalisation, including preparing specific business cases or in-depth market analyses. This applies in particular for Danish SMEs. IT and digitalisation have traditionally been placed in finance departments, but recent years have seen a shift towards involving sales and business development to a greater extent, and this demands more of the commercial skills of employees. 

 2) What competencies demanded by your business does the degree programme provide?
The coupling between technical and commercial aspects enables students to ask critical questions and understand the opportunities as well as the problems arising from digitalisation. Broad understanding of various technological tools and business case modelling enables graduates to independently analyse issues/opportunities and then develop the relevant and most profitable solutions. 

3) What type of job function will an MSc Digital Business Management graduate be able to fill at your business (or at your customers)?
Graduates will be able to independently perform tasks related to analysing the opportunities and potentials involved in digitalisation; as a product owner or a business development consultant internally in the businesses of our customers, for example, or on a consultancy basis in the scooping/implementation processes in IT companies such as ours. I see a huge potential in graduates taking on jobs within project management, because they not only understand the technical aspects of a digital product, they also have a good understanding of stakeholder interests, as well as the commercial value created by the digital solution. 

Alexander Andreasen

Manager, PwC

1. What makes the MSc in Digital Business Management degree programme unique from your perspective?

Businesses in general are undergoing digital transformation, and understanding technologies and their potentials has highest priority for many, regardless of the industry.

Digital Business Management hits this right on target in this regard because Digital Business Management graduates can use digital technologies to reinvent business models or transform products and customer experiences and to ultimately create value for businesses.

2. What competencies demanded by your business does the degree programme provide?

This degree programme provides core competencies within communication and collaboration which are essential for successful digital transformation that cuts across the entire organisation. We are looking for people with competencies within digital business, and with technical skills; such employees are also in much demand throughout the labour market.

3. What type of job function will an MSc Digital Business Management graduate be able to fill at your business (or at your customers)?

As a management consultant at Capgemini Invent, you will be a trusted advisor to managements in various types of business. You will get to work with strategies, analyses, business cases, technology selection, process optimisation, change management, data management, agile coaching, and more.

Niklas Craft

Head of Agile and Transformation Consultant, IBM Denmark

1. What makes the MSc in Digital Business Management unique from your perspective?

The degree programme provides a commercial perspective on the future use and development of IT, as well as insight into how to navigate and manage this development. The programme provides a unique basis for taking on various IT and business roles in businesses with large or small IT projects.

2. What competencies demanded by your business (or that of your customers) does the degree programme provide?

At IBM, we are particularly positive about the commercial perspective provided by the degree programme, which means that any future employee will be able to innovate and create meaningful value both internally in our own business and as a consultant with our customers. Furthermore, the programme focuses on data science and AI, and these are both having an ever-greater impact on IT development.

3. What type of job function will an MSc Digital Business Management graduate be able to fill at your business (or at your customers)?

Many components of the programme provide a solid foundation for fast-track career advancement, because elements of the subjects touch on challenges related management. This means that the foundation you obtain as a graduate can lead you to job opportunities that you would otherwise not be able to achieve as a new graduate. More specifically, the job functions that IBM sees as a possibility for newly graduated students include agile consultant, IT business consultant, associate project manager, business analyst, etc.