Aarhus Universitets segl



Fakta om uddannelsen 
Undervisningssprog: Engelsk  (Se sprogkrav)  | Studiested: Aarhus  |  Studiestart: August / september og Januar / februar


Internationally Renowned Research Environment

The two-year MSc programme in Economics gives students an in-depth familiarity with a range of economics and management disciplines. The programme is flexible, as students can specialise in a specific field or a combination of economics and management.

Researchers within the programme work in the fields of finance, macroeconomics, microeconomics, econometrics, and economics of business. The MSc programme allows students to create a personal academic profile within one or across several of these fields. Progress in the chosen courses is closely followed and monitored to ensure the students’ academic development. Each semester, the department offers about 25 elective courses. The broad range of courses allows you to specialize in a particular field of interest and to compose an individual course programme.

The courses are taught on a high level and require that students are interested in and are thoroughly versed in mathematics, econometrics, and economic theory.

In the Company of Nobel Laureates

Students enrolled in the programme are based at the Department of Economics and Business Economics. The department is renowned for setting high academic standards, and the department engages in close collaboration with many leading international researchers, including Nobel Laureates Dale T. Mortensen (February 2, 1939 – January 9, 2014) and Robert F. Engle. The department’s outstanding research environment includes the Center for Research in Econometric Analysis of Time Series (CREATES), where Nobel laureate Robert F. Engle serves as member of the advisory board.

International Diversity

The academic environment at the department is characterized by international diversity: more than one-third of faculty members and PhD students have an international background. The international atmosphere provides the basis for an enriched and challenging student life.

A Personal Academic Profile

The department conducts research and teaching in the following fields:

  • Finance
  • Macroeconomics
  • Microeconomics
  • Econometrics
  • Economics of Business

The degree programme allows students to create a personal academic profile within one or across several of these fields. There is a compulsory progression in the chosen courses, which ensures students' academic development. Each semester, the department offers about 25 elective courses. The broad range of courses allows you to specialise in a particular field of interest and to compose an individual course programme.

MSc in Economics Frank, Daniel and Christian explains why there is a need for graduates from this degree programme. Janne tells about her motivation for choosing Economics.


I denne sektion kan du finde ud af, hvad der skal til for at komme ind på kandidatuddannelsen i Økonomi.

De næste afsnit forklarer, hvordan du kan opfylde adgangskravene, afhængigt af om du har:

  1. Retskra​v
  2. En bacheloruddannelse, der giver direkte adgang
  3. En anden uddannelse, der kan give adgang

Du kan også finde ud af, om der er begrænsninger for, hvor mange der kan optages på uddannelsen, og hvilke sprogkrav der gælder.

1. Retskrav

Følgende bacheloruddannelse giver dig retskrav på optagelse på kandidatuddannelsen i økonomi: 

  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Økonomi fra Aarhus Universitet 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Politik og økonomi fra Aarhus Universitet 

Retskrav betyder, at du har ret til at blive optaget på den kandidatuddannelse, der bygger oven på den bacheloruddannelse, som du har gennemført ved samme universitet. Det kræver dog, at du søger om optagelse senest tre år efter gennemført bacheloruddannelse.  

Læs mere om retskrav 

2. Bachelor’s degrees with direct admission

Hvis du har en af de følgende bacheloruddannelser, opfylder du adgangskravene til uddannelsen: 

  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Økonomi fra Aarhus Universitet (BSc i økonomi) 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Politik og økonomi fra Aarhus Universitet (BSc i politik og økonomi) 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Økonomi fra Københavns Universitet (BSc i økonomi) 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Økonomi fra Syddansk Universitet (BSc i økonomi) 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Økonomi fra Aalborg Universitet (BSc i økonomi) 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Matematik-økonomi fra Aarhus Universitet (BSc i matematik-økonomi) 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Matematik-økonomi fra Københavns Universitet (BSc i matematik-økonomi) 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Matematik-økonomi fra Syddansk Universitet (BSc scient.oecon.) 
  • Bacheloruddannelsen i Matematik-økonomi fra Aalborg Universitet (BSc i matematik-økonomi) 

3. Andre uddannelser der kan give adgang

Udover de bacheloruddannelser, som allerede er vurderet til at give adgang til denne uddannelse, kan der også være andre uddannelser, der opfylder adgangskravene afhængigt af fagsammensætningen og vægtningen af dine kurser.

Du kan få adgang til kandidatuddannelsen, såfremt universitetet vurderer, at din uddannelse har et niveau, omfang og indhold, som svarer til de faglige krav, der angives herunder.

Hvis du har en bachelor i Erhvervsøkonomi eller Economics and Business Administration, skal du have bestået følgende valgfag på 5. semester:  

Èt af følgende fag:  

  • Introduction to Empirical Economics: 10 ECTS 

  • 3620: Econometrics 1: 10 ECTS 

To af de følgende fag:  

  • 3410: Micro 1: 10 ECTS 

  • 3505 Macro 1: 10 ECTS 

  •  Investments and Corporate Finance: 10 ECTS (eller lignende finansieringsfag)

Du kan opfylde adgangskravet med en anden uddannelse, hvis du har følgende fagområder:  ECTS-krav


Makroøkonomi  20
Statistik og økonometri  20
Regnskab, finansiering og investering  20
Matematik  15

Vi kan ikke på forhånd vurdere, om netop din uddannelse vil opfylde ovenstående krav. Vi vil derfor anbefale dig at søge ind på uddannelsen, hvis du selv vurderer, at du opfylder fagkravene. Det er i den forbindelse en god ide at sammenligne din uddannelse med de direkte adgangsgivende uddannelser.

Download bilag til din ansøgning

Du skal udfylde dette bilag og vedhæfte til din ansøgning. Bilaget bruges i vurderingen af din ansøgning. Hvis du har retskrav til kandidatuddannelsen, skal du ikke udfylde og vedhæfte bilaget.
Download bilag


Der er ikke adgangsbegrænsning på denne kandidatuddannelse.

Det betyder, at alle kvalificerede ansøgere får tilbudt en studieplads. Du er derfor sikker på optagelse, hvis du enten har retskrav eller en direkte adgangsgivende bacheloruddannelse.


Du skal kunne dokumentere, at du har engelskkvalifikationer svarende til dansk gymnasialt B-niveau. Hvis du har retskrav på optagelse (se ovenfor), er du ikke omfattet af denne regel.

Læs hvordan dit engelsk-niveau skal dokumenteres, hvis du ikke har en dansk gymnasial uddannelse.

Uddannelsens opbygning

Academic regulations

Here you can find previous and current academic regulations for the programme

Find the master's programme elective courses here.


At the Department of Economics and Business Economics, there is close contact between lecturers and students. The department has many study areas and excellent IT facilities. When you need a break from your books, the Economics Association organizes study tours, parties, company visits, etc.

The Department of Economics and Business Economics is located at the AU campus at Fuglesangs Allé, DK-8210 Aarhus V. At the campus you will find all important facilities including the main library, teaching rooms and lecture halls.

The department’s active student environment offers a wide range of both academic and social activities.

You share the canteen with students from other economics' and business administration programmes. Teaching will consist of a combination of lectures and classroom tutorials.

A Typical Week

Notice: The actual schedule for a student depends on the specific courses chosen. Most students also use the weekends to prepare for lectures and classes.


08:00–12:00 Preparation
12:00–14:00 Lecture
14:00–16:00 Lecture


08:00–11:00 Lecture
12:00–14:00 Lecture
14:00–16:00 Preparation


08:00–10:00 Lecture
11:00–13:00 Preparation
13:00–16:00 Work in study group


08:00–12:00 Preparation
12:00-16:00 Work in study group


08:00–10:00 Lecture
10:00-15:00 Work in study group

Social Life

As a student of economics and management, you are part of an active study environment, which is not just about socio-economic discussions. There is a whole host of clubs and associations, which you can join.

The department’s active student environment offers a wide range of both academic and social activities.

Follow the student life at Aarhus University

-experienced, photographed and filmed by the students themselves.

 With thousands of pictures #yourniversity gives insight into the everyday life as a student at AU; the parties, procrastination, exams and all the other ways you’ll spend your time at university.

Billederne er brugernes egne, delt med #Yourniversity, #AarhusUni og fagspecifikke AU-hashtags.


Arbejdsopgaver som færdiguddannet

Diagrammet viser fordelingen mellem de fem hyppigste arbejdsopgaver for færdiguddannede 1-2 år efter afslutningen af deres uddannelse. Tallene baserer sig på spørgeskemaundersøgelse foretaget af Epinion for Ministeriet for Forskning og Uddannelse og Aarhus Universitet i 2020.

Graduates in High Demand

Economics graduates are in very high demand in the job market. Many graduates achieve top executive positions in the corporate world (e.g. financial institutions and consulting firms) or management advisory positions in the public sector (e.g. ministries and local authorities). Graduates of Economics enjoy some of the highest lifetime earnings and lowest unemployment rates among university graduates in Denmark.

Progress to the PhD Programme

Students who are interested in pursuing an academic career may also progress to the PhD programme. There are options for both a three-year programme for students having completed their master degree and a four-year programme, where students are enrolled after having completed the first year of the master programme.

From Studies to the First Job

  • ”You do not start in your dream job. You work your way to your dream job.” (Cand.oecon)
  • ”I think that it is crucial to have a relevant student job. The contact to the job market before graduation is very important.” (Cand.oecon)
  • “Be determined and focused in your application. Make it short and precise. Demonstrate that you have made some research on the company and that you have some ideas on what is important to them.” (Cand.oecon)